Friday, July 9, 2010

The Dog Knows

I love dogs.

At one time we had a pack at our house.  Six dogs. They all had distinct personalities but they had one thing in common. They took care of themselves better than humans. They ate when hungry, slept when tired and played a little every day.  Their schedules depended upon how they were feeling that particular day. 

Now only two dogs remain…the others have gone to doggie heaven.

Lately, I have taken sitting outside in the mornings to watch the sunrise just after I wake up. When I first started doing this I just sat on the ground while the dogs did their morning business. I closed my eyes and listened to the birds, the wind in the trees – almost meditating.

One morning I opened my eyes to find Sparky; my tiny rat terrier sitting beside me on my left and Nakita my German shepherd mix sitting on my right. All three of us were facing the sun and they had their eyes closed with their noses turned up toward the sky.  Just sitting there with me...taking it in.

Doggie meditation?

I don’t know but they are doing something right.   We meet every morning now - the three of us.  Just for five minutes but it's a great way to start the day.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! No better way to start the day than with the pups!


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