My son just turned 17 years old... 3 minutes ago.
I remember vividly the night he entered the world. The strongest memory I have of his birth is not when his head cleared the birth it was his shoulders. His boney, sharp and pointed shoulders hurt so badly when he pushed his way into the world. So bad in fact that I left bruises on the people who were holding my hands during his labor.
Today those shoulders are twenty times the size they were 17 years ago and they are good shoulders.
Strong, reliable and proud.
The shoulders that once tore me apart now lift bulky boxes at my office and carry heavy groceries into the house. They reach over me while I am cooking to retrieve a casserole dish I need while cooking. They tense up while he works hard to get the internet working on my computer or hold the dogs for me while I clip their nails.
Those shoulders who caused me so much pain 17 years ago this minute now must lean down about six inches now so I can wrap my arms around him to give him his birthday hug...
Happy Birthday Dalton
So sweet! Sounds like you're raising a good one!