Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today I opened up a 'time capsule' from 1985

I found a journal the other day.  A journal from 25 years ago.  This was like uncovering a time capsule.  On one page I listed my goals. The year of 1985 my top six goals were to ....

graduate from college with computer science degree - (I didn't because I changed my major to chemistry the second year of college because it is no fun to find a bug in a fortran program at 2 in the morning)

lose 10 pounds (wow THAT goal is still on my list ----and WHAT? I think I weighed like 90 pounds back then!)

marry Freddy Carl Williams (yep did that!)

have five kids (what the crap?  glad I didn't do THAT!)

own a two story house - Glad I didn't fulfil THAT goal - stairs are no fun when you are in your 40's.

join a rock band? -- ok I was 18 back then ANYTHING is possible when you are 18.

This makes me wonder....

I have goals now even at the ripe ole age of 43.  I am going to type these goals out and tuck them away for another 25 years.  I will be 68 when I open it.  Hmmm wonder which goals I will have achieved-perhaps I can finally check off  'lose 10 pounds'!


  1. You do own a two story house.

  2. lol yeah but I don't have to go to the second floor unless I want too


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