Monday, April 26, 2010

Delicious Memories

I have a folder - a very special folder. 

It is full of things that are precious to me.  Writings, pictures and memories.  It is this folder that I turn to when I have had a bad day.  When I feel that everything and everyone is against me.  Ever had those days?

Delicious memories can turn any day around.  A couple of mine are:

'Long' walks with my dad when I was in kindergarten
Sugar (our dog) pulling my sister and I on a sled down the street when we were toddlers.
My mom singing 'Wild Thing' and dancing then falling down the stairs when I was 10 or 11.  It was funny until we realized she had to have surgery on her knee. 
My dad "rescuing" me from the car during a storm - I went to get something out of the car when I was a kid and a huge storm blew in.  I remember screaming from the car and seeing him look at me from the front window of the apartment.  One second later he was opening up the car door and pulling me into his arms. 
My mom making 'carrot cookies'.  I know it sounds gross but they were really yummy.
My mom and dad coming to my defense when an angry mother was yelling in my face for dumping a multi-colored snow cone on her tow-headed boy's head.  Yes it dyed his hair the colors of the rainbow and no he shouldn't have been picking on my sister.
Angrily closing the garage door on my boyfriend during an argument.  As the door lowered he announced that someday 'I would marry him and have his baby' - I did
When Freddy showed up seconds after I had a car accident - he said he knew I needed him
Dalton kissing me on the nose before I got on a plane to Atlanta on my first dental meeting---he was 7
The look on Dalton's face when he saw his first movie (Space Jam) in a theater - the same look on Brooke's face at her first movie (Peter Pan) 5 years later.
When Dalton came up to bat with two outs and two strikes against him yet hit the winning run in- he was so elated I don't think his feet touched the ground three times as he ran to first base.  
The look on Brooke's face when Dalton gave her an Easy Bake Oven.
A difference look on Brooke's face when she ran over Dalton with her bike and said he looked like a 'cockroach laying on his back'

I have pages and pages of these memories.  What are your favorite memories?  Write them down and when the world gets you down take a walk down memory lane. 


  1. You didn't mention how you loved to run over worms on the sidewalk with your tricycle after a rain storm.

    WORMS!! How I would love to see that video of 2(?) year old Dalton popping a worm in his mouth when helping a neighbor planting flowers.

    Just to name a few.


  2. ha dad that is YOUR delicious memory - lol I don't remember the worm killings (:

    and yes I think I will contact his old babysitter and see if she still has it :)

  3. I have kept journals since I was about 6 so there are tons of stuff written down, but probably not as many as I would like. But I do turn to them every now and then and remember the good stuff. Thanks for sharing some of yours.


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