Thursday, December 29, 2011

An Unconventional Goal Setting System...That Works Everytime!

This is not your typical 'goal-setting article.'

I am not going to ask you to set specific and measurable goals then determine long; detailed action plans to achieve them.

No, my system for setting goals is simple but not conventional.

First, determine what you don't want in your life - then change it into something you want.

I wanted to lose 15 pounds-and keep it off. Over the last twelve years, I have gained and lost the same 15 pounds repeatedly. Apparently, the goal of losing weight was not was not working, and I was playing havoc with my metabolism due to the 'weight roller coaster.'

A threat from my doctor got my attention. He told me that I was pre-diabetic and that if I did not lose weight and get into shape, I would have to take diabetic medication the rest of my life. I hate to take medicine! Plus, I do not want to have diabetes!

This motivated me to get in shape! I cut out the sodas, exercised six days a week, and ate nutritious meals. I wanted to be thin, but once I lost the weight, being thin did not help me maintain the goal. It was the dislike of taking medication that helped me achieve and maintain my goal.

Everyone wants to be thin - if we defined our goals simply by what we want, everyone would be thin - everyone would have everything they want! Instead determine what it is you don't want.

Can't figure out what you don't want? Then you must sweat the Small Stuff and Major in the Minor Things!

People say don't sweat the small stuff; but it's the small stuff compounded over time that can kill you. These irritants can cause migraine headaches, stomach ulcers, and heart attacks. Those little worries that you live with everyday, the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, are slowly killing you.

Try an experiment. Jot down all the things that irritate you- big and small, and then set goals to resolve them. One of my irritants was a dead spider that was stuck on the ceiling above the shower. I never thought about that stupid spider until I was in the shower; naked, wet and helpless, unable to do anything about it. One cold morning, I got out of the shower and jotted it down. Later, that week, when I had time, I got a broom and knocked that irritating spider body off the ceiling. I felt so empowered!

Major in the minor things! You will see a big difference in your stress level-I promise. Write your irritants down on a list as they occur to you. If you have time to deal with it immediately, then do it! If you don't have time to resolve it, then make sure to devote time each week to deal with your irritants. Resolving these irritants is your goal!

Some will your irritants will be simple, such as getting rid of the spider. Others may require more time and money. A water heater that ran cold too soon cost of a couple hundred dollars to replace. However, it was worth every penn when since I now enjoy a hot shower every morning, especially since there is no longer a spider carcass on the ceiling!

Write down the things that irritate you, set aside some time each week, and vow to resolve at least one thing on that list.

You might be surprised how many tiny things are irritating you. In time as you resolve these irritants your list will become smaller until some weeks you may not even have anything on the list.

Some of the big irritants on my list over the years included a disruptive employee at the office, a leaky roof, a child who was failing school, and a toxic relationship that I was afraid to end. Identifying these stressors, however, was the first step to dealing with them. I don't know how old you are, but I only have some forty-odd years of life left on this earth, and I plan to enjoy them without putting up with petty annoyances!

What don't you like in your life? What would you change if you could? Here is a secret. You can!
Even the things you never fathomed! Sure you can't get rid of your kids if you are tired of them, but you can determine and rectify what it is about their behavior that is taxing you. You may not be able to walk out on your job tomorrow, but you can start laying the groundwork for a new career. Instead of adding new goals to your life this new year - decrease your stress by recognizing the things you do not like, then make it your goal to eradicate them.

 Change the things you don't like so you can live the live you want-on your own terms.

So the question is....what irritates you?  Leave a comment on Facebook or below describing an irritant in your life to enter a drawing to win a free autographed copy of 'The Greatest Leaders to the Least ' on January 1, 2012 - start the year off right!


  1. One of my irritants is or better yet what bothers me the most is being out of shape and in bad health. I always use the excuse that due to my home being so cluttered and spending so much time on trival stuff that I can not find the time to take care of myself.

  2. co-workers that slack off and lay their tasks at my feet, my ex-wife. Those are the biggest of things right now, but the gears are turning to resolve 1 of those things now.

  3. Thanks FourFooted Friend. I totally agree that obligations keep me from taking care of myself and my health. Sad as this is I have to schedule time to relax and take care of myself and still I usually cut into that time.
    Jason - I just met a man who retired from the military and I asked him if he liked civilian live and he stated he HATED it. He said his coworkers are lazy and no one has his back like they did in the military. Good luck in the New Year resolving these issues!


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