Thursday, December 30, 2010

My New Years Resolution Dare

The tip of my nose is tingly- kind of numb. It seems to go numb when I am stressed, overtired or upset. It’s been going on for about two weeks so I visited my doctor. He informed me my blood pressure was high….
really high.

Low blood pressure runs in our family. Which is ironic considering obesity also runs in our family. Yes we are an enigma – fat people with low blood pressure.

So the fact that my pressure was running high was a cause for concern. “Have you been stressed out lately?” he inquired.

I tell him that I am stressed out but no more than the average woman who is a wife and mother. He replied that I have 30 days to get this blood pressure down or I will be faced with taking medication the rest of my life.

I have spent the majority of my life taking care of others. I spent years studying to be a dentist then working overtime to get my practice off the ground. All while taking care of my family…immediate and extended. I devote many hours a day taking care of patients in a pretty much thankless job and routinely give up time with my husband to keep our town safe. I am really good at taking care of others but not so good at taking care of myself.

So I am giving myself a dare.

I am daring myself to do the 28-day challenge at and blog about it each day. 
As I look through week one I see that I am already setting myself up for failure...because I must cook. 
Not only cook but with foods that I have not heard of before....arugula, bok choy (not even my 'spell check' knows what this is), scallions, legumes----this is gonna be interesting.
Want to join me?  Go to  Come on's only 28 days!  If not follow me each night on my blog - let's see if I get through this.... right now I think I can do this.  Just five days ago I went down a snow slope on top of a snowboard - not once but multiple times. 
Not bad for a middle aged lady who is falling apart.  Yeah, right now I feel like I can do anything....we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Whole Living Daily Challenges. Good things to think about and try. I'll support you!


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