Friday, September 10, 2010

First Smiles....a questionnaire to protect your baby's teeth

Does your child still use a bottle?  Yes /  No
Try to slowly wean your baby from the bottle by 12-14 months of age

Does your infant use powdered formula in their bottle?  Yes /  No
Use tap water or bottled water with fluoride to mix the powder.  Most bottled water brands do not contain fluoride.

Do they take asthma or allergy medications?  Yes /  No
Allergy medications may dry the mouth increasing their chances for cavities- make sure to provide plenty of water throughout the day.
Albuterol should be inhaled using a 'spacer' if possible so the medication will travel to the lungs without coating the teeth.

Do you put your child down to sleep with a a bottle?  Yes / No
Giving a child milk or juice while laying them down to sleep contributes to a painful condition called  'baby bottle decay'-brown and broken down front baby teeth.  Wean them off milk/juice slowing by adding more water to the bottle until water is the only thing offered before naps/bedtime.

Does your child use a 'sippy cup'?  Yes / No
Constant sipping from a sippy cup throughout the day contributes to majority of posterior (back teeth) decay.  Try to transition to an open cup that isn't easily carried around all day.  If you must carry a sippy cup make sure to buy a brand specifically designed to decrease cavities...if you have doubts your dentist can evaluate the cup for you.

Is your child experiencing teething pain?  Yes / No
Place a clean wet washcloth in the freezer for 1-2 hours then let the child gnaw on the cloth.  It will sooth and clean swollen gums and eruption teeth.

Do you brush your child's teeth every morning and night?  Yes / No
Most parents brush their children's teeth in the morning only however cavity activity occurs at night as well.  Assist your child in brushing their teeth until the age of 6 even if they demand to do this task alone.  Most parents would not allow a toddler to bathe alone - they will let them play in the tub but then finish the cleaning job before they take them out.  Let your child brush their teeth first but you must brush the teeth as well until they develop the dexterity to do a good job. 

Do they snack all day?  Yes / No
Try to limit snacks and do not 'graze all day' - this leads to cavities and increased body weight. 

Do they like to chew gum?  Yes / No
Sugar-free gum will help fight cavities!  Please make sure they do not swallow or chew more than three sugar-free pieces of gum a day as they may lead to stomach upset. 

Do they such their thumb, finger or pacifier?  Yes / No
Try to discourage this habit after the third birthday because they could develop an 'openbite' and require orthodontic care later in life.

Do they sip on canned sodas all day?  Yes / No
Sipping on the combination of sugar and phosphoric acid is a deadly assault to the teeth.  Try to limit sodas during meals where the chewing action of the food can diminish the damage these drinks cause to the teeth.  Sipping on canned sodas throughout the night is one of the leading causes of childhood decay. 

I would be honored to answer any questions or hear your comments- please call 870-735-2540 or inbox me.       Dr. Debi


  1. Hi there. My dad (James "Dolly" Madison) emailed me a link to your blog. He thought I could use the info you posted about children and their teeth (I have three little girls). Anyway, I'm excited to take some time to read through your blog. Thanks for this post, you made some points I hadn't thought of.

  2. Thanks for reading it Jen :) Me and my husband think your dad is a pretty cool guy lol. If you have any further questions feel free to email me - Debi


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